Health inequalities database criteria
The EuroHealthNet Database on Health Inequalities
The health inequalities database includes publications, good practices, initiatives, organisations, and data sources on health inequalities. The aim is to give users access to the most important publications and initiatives on health inequalities, mostly in Europe. Entries are selected or approved by EuroHealthNet staff, based on jointly agreed criteria.
Contributing to the Database
The health inequalities database is continuously updated. New contributions that fit the inclusion criteria below are welcome. We invite you to share your work and results with us and the public health community.
To upload add an entry please fill in the following information in the contribution form and attach your file.
- Your name
- Your email
- Summary/Description of entry
- Title of entry
- Type of entry
- Theme
- Country
- Implementation level
- Year
When completing the summary/description, include words that people might use when searching for the topic the entry is about. For example, employment, racism, education, social protection, climate change etc.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
- Documents (scientific reports and articles, grey literature reports, policy documents, PhD theses) that explicitly focus on health inequalities, analysis of causes and situations, and what can be done to address them.
- The focus of the documents should be on the work of WHO Europe, EU Institutions, EU Member States, EU candidate countries, former EU countries, EEA-countries and countries from the South-east Europe Network.
- When this is not the case, there should be a clear link to European policies or projects.
- The document should be written in a European language.
- Document published since (and including) 2010
- That are freely accessible and open
Data sources:
- Databases, statistics departments/offices, data services that facilitate the examination of health inequalities, the socioeconomic characteristics of health outcomes and health behaviour, and the determinants of health.
- That are freely accessible and open
Practices, organisations and initiatives:
- Initiatives, statutory/public bodies, not-for profit organisations.
- Think Tanks, and foundations that are (also) funded by the private sector can be included if a guarantee of independence and integrity is agreed and applied (see below)
- Promising practices and databases of practices that explicitly focus on health inequalities.
- Documents that do not explicitly mention health inequalities, even when they address key determinants of health;
- Publications that are based on research funded by private, for-profit companies (if aligned with the disclaimer below);
- Newspaper articles;
- Opinion pieces/commentary articles, written to convey opinion or stimulate research /discussion, with no research component;
- Dissertation theses, and published abstracts.
- Resources that are not open source or other materials which require payment, or are not freely accessible and open
Disclaimer - private companies and economic operators
We reserve the right to exclude publications that are not in line with EuroHealthNet’s policy of working with economic operators.
“In any process related to regulatory processes or environments, for example in regulating food, alcohol or similar products, EuroHealthNet will apply a precautionary principle of not working with economic operators unless a transparent guarantee of independence and integrity is agreed and applied.”
For more information about the database please contact
Chantal Verdonschot –
Last updated: January 2023