Wrong prescription: The impact of austerity measures on the right to health in Spain

This report analyses what impact the austerity measures, introduced by the government following the economic and financial crisis of 2008, have had on the right to health in Spain. Based on comprehensive desk-research and interviews, Amnesty International found that the austerity measures have resulted in a deterioration of the accessibility, affordability, and quality of health care in Spain. They have had a particular and disproportionate impact on people with lower incomes, and especially on people with chronic health conditions, people with disabilities, older persons, and people accessing mental health care.

Find the report here. 

Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Policy & Policy Analysis, Research
Ageing, Financial security, social protection, social inclusion, access to care, poverty, Groups that experience vulnerability: women, ethnic minorities, LGBTI+, migrants, disability, Health systems and services, primary health care, integrated systems, prevention services, health workforce, Mental health, addiction, Non-communicable diseases, alcohol, nutrition, obesity, cancer, smoking, physical activity

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