Will the European Semester bring health equity? Findings from the Recovery and Resilience Plans in eight Member States

EuroHealthNet launched its latest analysis of the 2022 cycle of the European Union’s (EU) economic and social policy coordination, known as the European Semester. Based on interviews with public health experts, the analysis dives into eight Member States’ use of the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility and its impact on health equity and wellbeing. This timely launch coincides with a policy debate on the European Semester 2023 cycle in the European Council (EPSCO), taking place today, and adds to the ongoing review of whether the Recovery and Resilience Facility is still fit for purpose.

Find EuroHealthNet’s 2022 European Semester analysis here.

The EuroHealthNet cross-country analysis provides unique insights into the practice of integrated working and reforms, instigated by the European Semester and Recovery Facility. The analysis leads to a set of recommendations for the EU institutions and Member States on how they can improve health equity and wellbeing.

EuroHealthNet calls on EU Institutions and Member States to:

  • Recognise the value of public health, as part of wider health system, and recovery and resilience reform strategies. This entails for example strengthening mental health promotion and primary and community care, improving the attractiveness of careers in the health and care sector, investing in prevention and improving digital health literacy, particularly in vulnerable groups.
  • Facilitate and encourage better and more transparent communication among policy makers, professionals and public about how Recovery and Resilience Facility is being spent. Better transparency and communication are good democratic practices and can allow actors across Member States to learn from and inspire one another.
  • Develop an overarching Strategy for the European Union, that brings together all key policy objectives, and that could serve as a collective vision and guidance for the European Semester process and drive systemic change towards economies that generate wellbeing.

Read and download the full report here.

Find further information on health and the European Semester here. 


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