Websites Supporting Mental Health Promotion in Schools

Children and young people who are comfortable in their own skin learn better. Below are websites supporting mental health promotion in Schools:

1. Trimbos Instituut, Welbevinden op school
How do you work together as a school, health service or municipality on the wellbeing of pupils and students? The Trimbos Institute proposes knowledge, tools and practical examples to tackle these questions. Access the website, here.

2. Gezonde School
With the Healthy School programme, you can improve the health of students effectively and permanently. More than 1700 school have adopted a Healthy Schools approach to gain insight into the health of pupils or students and to improve their lifestyles. Access the website, here.

3. Onderwijskennis, Welbevinden en sociaal emotionele ontwikkeling
As an education professional, you can use knowledge from research to improve your daily work. Make use of scientific insights, tools and examples from Onderwijskennis and various partners. offers scientific insights and tools on important educational themes. Access the website, here.

Organisations & Initiatives Working on Health Inequalities
Mental health, addiction

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