The effects of public health policies on health inequalities in high-income countries: an umbrella review

Socio-economic inequalities are associated with unequal exposure to social, economic and environmental risk factors, which in turn contribute to health inequalities. Understanding the impact of specific public health policy interventions will help to establish causality in terms of the effects on health inequalities. The review does tentatively suggest interventions that policy makers might use to reduce health inequalities, although whether the programmes are transferable between high-income countries remains unclear.

Authors: K. Thomson, F. Hillier-Brown, A. Todd, C. McNamara, T. Huijts, C.Bambra

Find the article here. 

A briefing note is available here. 

Policy & Policy Analysis, Research
Communicable diseases, Employment, occupational health, adult education, youth employment, Environment, climate change, Governance, Health in All Policies, Economy of Wellbeing, Health Impact Assessment, sustainable development, Non-communicable diseases, alcohol, nutrition, obesity, cancer, smoking, physical activity
Europe, Global
European, International

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