Study visit: Intersectoral approaches for active and healthy ageing in Italy (2014)
In partnership with the Tuscany Region EuroHealthNet organized a two day study visit in Florence for its members. The focus for the study visit was Active and Healthy Ageing “Intersectoral approaches for active and healthy ageing” and took place from 16th – 17th Of October. All EuroHealthNet members were invited to take part in the study visit and twelve representatives from ten European countries along with several colleagues from within the Tuscany health community took part.
The first day consisted mainly of introductions and presentations of each countries own solutions to the opportunities and challenges of an increasing ageing population; and a field trip to a research hospital which specializes in rehabilitation. The second day’s sessions focused on seniors as a resource and on how research and innovation can contribute to the issues linked to ageing. The study visit was chaired by EuroHealtNet’s former president David Pattison.
The final report of the study visit is available here.
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