Sante Publique France publish inventory of effective interventions in prevention and health promotion
Santé Publique France have published a platform to articulate and disseminate information between research and field practices. This directory aims to help decision-makers and local actors choose appropriate interventions to meet their needs, to promote scientifically based prevention and to allow the articulation between research and field practices. It presents, as a first step, programs either already implemented or under study, experimentation or deployment. It is not exhaustive and therefore destined to be enriched by new actions. Some titles refer to a summary sheet containing the summary of the intervention, contacts, resources, publications. The level of effectiveness of each intervention will be added later after analysis by expert reviewers.
A catalogue of interventions is now available, as well as information on selection criteria and existing platforms in France or abroad. The objective is to select and qualify the most relevant interventions – first in the French context, then by extending it to foreign interventions – and then to report on the content and conditions of implementation, with the aim of helping decision-makers and local actors to choose interventions adapted to meet their needs.
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