ReSPES – Italian database of public health interventions
The Italian National Institute for the Health Promotion of Migrant Populations and for the Fighting of Poverty Diseases (INMP) has launched a database of good health, named ReSPES (Italian: Repertorio degli interventi di Sanità pubblica orientati all’Equità nella Salute; English: Directory of interventions of Public health oriented towards Equity in Health). It includes projects actively engaged in eliminating any barrier to access to services and any discrimination in the right to health, thus increasing health equity.
The Directory responds to three strategic needs of the National Health Service:
- promote the adoption of equity-oriented objectives, methods and techniques in the design and implementation of public health interventions
- encourage an increase in the quality of these interventions, both in terms of reducing health inequalities, and in terms of effectiveness in preventing and combating risk factors
- direct the resources available for financing public health interventions that have a good chance of positive impact, avoiding their dispersion, thanks to the availability of organized and verified information not only on the dimension of the effectiveness of the interventions, but also on that of their sustainability and transferability to other contexts
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