Reducing health inequalities in the European Union

This brochure provides updated information on health inequalities between and within the Member States of the European Union. It reviews several health inequality items (especially life expectancy) and explores the role of health determinants with a specific focus on the ´Social Gradient´, i e the social dimension existing in virtually all factors affecting health status. Specific explanations are provided on the role of European and national policies in this specific field (including funding opportunities) and on their potential contribution to the reduction of health inequalities. Finally, three case studies are spotlighted which describe the benefits achieved in such fields as child health, health of job seekers, and health status of ethnic minorities.

Find the brochure here.

Data Sources, Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Policy & Policy Analysis, Tools
Employment, occupational health, adult education, youth employment, Financial security, social protection, social inclusion, access to care, poverty, Financing and funding, Governance, Health in All Policies, Economy of Wellbeing, Health Impact Assessment, sustainable development, Groups that experience vulnerability: women, ethnic minorities, LGBTI+, migrants, disability, Health systems and services, primary health care, integrated systems, prevention services, health workforce, Maternal health, pre- peri-natal, childhood conditions, adolescent health, education

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