Recovery and Resilience Plans: drivers to promote health and wellbeing in the European Union?

The EuroHealthNet report ‘Recovery and Resilience Plans: drivers to promote health and well-being in the European Union?‘ explores whether the EU and its member states are seizing the opportunity to apply the available recovery-oriented funds to ‘build back’, in ways that systematically, structurally, and sustainably strengthen health, equity and wellbeing. For policymakers, the report lays out ways to implement the Council Conclusions on the Future of the European Semester in the context of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, adopted in November 2021.

Recommendations for using Recovery and Resilience funds for a healthy and socially-just recovery

Cross-country analyses highlighted a range of interrelated areas where the Recovery and Resilience Funds could be, and in some cases will be invested. These included:

  • Creating more enabling environments for healthy lifestyles and encouraging the uptake of policies and action with co-benefits for health, green and sustainable environments.
  • Investing in primary and community care, including public health
  • Investing in measures to promote mental health
  • Improving monitoring and surveillance systems with an equity focus
  • Strengthening the health and social workforce
  • Investing in digital inclusion and skills, and digital health literacy.
  • Supporting families and young people

Read the report (in English) here.

EuroHealthNet, NGO/Civil Society Document, Policy & Policy Analysis
Financing and funding, Governance, Health in All Policies, Economy of Wellbeing, Health Impact Assessment, sustainable development, Health systems and services, primary health care, integrated systems, prevention services, health workforce

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