Programme of the Finnish Government 2011
Reduction of poverty, inequality and social exclusion is one of the Government priorities. “The Government will narrow the disparities in income levels, wellbeing and the state of health. Basic public services will be strengthened and reformed; a decent life will be secured for citizens in old age; investments will be made in the prevention of social and health-related problems, and in mental health care services and welfare services for substance abusers; income security will be improved; and inequalities between communities will be reduced. The high school drop-out rate will be addressed. The Government will introduce legislation on services for older people, as well as a wide-ranging action plan to reduce poverty, inequality and social exclusion.
Poverty and social exclusion cause human suffering, health disparities, and inequality, among other things. The Government will determinedly act against poverty and social exclusion. This requires cooperation with the various fields and administrative sectors, the enhancement of employment, work ability and social inclusion, and ensuring the continued provision of social security. Working together it will be possible to take care of everyone. A cross-sector action plan for reducing social exclusion, poverty and health problems will be commenced.
Original title: Pääministeri Jyrki Kataisen hallituksen ohjelma
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