PATH – PerinAtal menTal Health
PATH – PerinAtal menTal Health – will enable women, families & healthcare professionals to prevent, diagnose & successfully manage mild/moderate PMI via radical systemic change, developing an inclusive, holistic health structure: demand driven & co-created with existing patients & expectant/new parents. PATH will prepare parents pre-birth for their new role & help them avoid PMI; currently feelings of being a failure as a parent lead to a reticence in seeking help: 58% of pregnant women/new mothers fear they would be judged. PATH’s multiple entry points including anonymous online services will allow women to access support in a way that best suits them. PATH will also improve the skills of healthcare professionals equipping them to address PMI confidently & effectively.
PATH is part of the Interreg VA 2Seas programme and will run from 1st February 2019 to the 30th September 2022. It receives funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), has a budget of over €8.5 million and involves partners from the UK, the Netherlands, France and Belgium.
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