Okkio to health – Italy

A nutritional surveillance study with the Ministry of Health/CCM and the Regions began in 2008 and it is still ongoing to prevent obesity. The main objective is to describe the geographical variation and evolution over time of the weight status, dietary habits, levels of children´s physical activity, and school activities that promote healthy nutrition and exercise, in order to guide the implementation of useful and effective initiatives for the improvement of living conditions and health of children in primary schools.

Original title: OKkio alla salute.

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Data Sources, Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Research
Built environment (housing, transport, urban planning), Health systems and services, primary health care, integrated systems, prevention services, health workforce, Maternal health, pre- peri-natal, childhood conditions, adolescent health, education, Non-communicable diseases, alcohol, nutrition, obesity, cancer, smoking, physical activity

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