Noncommunicable diseases in 53 countries: WHO/Europe presents new visual data tool
WHO/Europe has released a new data visualization dashboard that allows users to quickly identify key challenges, existing policy responses and progress towards agreed targets for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Europe.
The data can be explored interactively in easy-to-understand graphs providing an overview as well as trends for any of the 53 Member States in the WHO European Region. Presented at a WHO launch event that included discussion by experts, the new data visualization dashboard is a useful tool for policy-makers, researchers, and the general public, showing the complex and changing nature of NCDs.
Showing the main risk factors
The dashboard consists of seven graphics that contain the latest WHO data available from all 53 countries of the WHO European Region. The graphics visualize four major indicator groups:
- premature mortality (due to the four major NCDs and due to the major NCD group in a given country);
- biological risk factors (prevalence of overweight/obesity and raised blood pressure);
- behavioural risk factors (tobacco use and alcohol consumption levels); and
- progress monitor indicators (implementation of measures recommended by WHO to tackle NCDs).
The indicators aim to encourage countries to align their policies with the WHO European Programme of Work, 2020–2025 and the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. These documents express a common vision that the world should be a place where every person, without exception, has access to the best health care.
Read more here.
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