National Action Plan on Social Inclusion 2013 – 2016, Spain

As previous plans (first plan was launched on 2001), the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2008‐2010 has been drawn up within the framework of the European Strategy for Social Inclusion and in line with the European Common Objectives. (Please, take note that Action Plan 2011-2013 is now in development.)

The objectives have two broad strategic goals: first, to promote active social inclusion, in other words to promote access to the labour market combined with an appropriate policy of guaranteed income and access to quality services, particularly educational services; and second, to tackle the impact of growth in immigration and the ageing population on social exclusion.

The priority objectives were

A)Promoting active social inclusion

  • Promote access to employment: promote participation in the labour market and fight poverty and social exclusion.
    Guarantee minimum financial resources.
    Achieve an equitable and quality education system.

B) Address the impact of sociodemographic change on poverty and social exclusion

  • Support the social integration of immigrants.
    Guarantee equity in assistance for people in a situation of dependency.

Original title: Plan Nacional de Acción para la Inclusión Social

Find the action plan here

Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Policy & Policy Analysis
Financial security, social protection, social inclusion, access to care, poverty

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