Methodological guide for the elaboration and monitoring of Integrated Health Plans
Integrated Health Plans are introdcued for tackling health problems in a geographical area over a period of time, promoting a set of strategies for prevention and management of a particular health problem and its determinants. An Integrated Health Plan is aimed at achieving a reduction in the burden of disease in the population and to improve the quality of life for the people affected.
To achieve this objective, an Integrated Health Plan promotes strategies that in some cases must be developed by health services and other institutions and social agents, in a coordinated inter-sectoral action. Andalusia since 2002 it has approved a number of different Integrated Health Plans:
• Second Integrated Mental Health Plan of Andalusia (2008-2012),
• Second Integrated Health Plan for Diabetes in Andalusia (2009-2013),
• Integrated Health Plan for Cardiopathies in Andalusia (2005-2009),
• Integrated Health Plan for Childhood Obesity in Andalusia (2007-2012),
• Integrated Health Plan for Oncology in Andalusia (2007-2012),
• Integrated Health Plan for Accidents in Andalusia (2007-2012),
• Integrated Health Plan for smoking in Andalusia (2005-2010).
This guide introduces, the inclusion and consideration of health inequalities, the gender perspective and the diversity approach as a quality criteria. The goal of reducing health inequalities is incorporated in each of the phases for the elaboration and monitoring of integrated health plans.
Original title: Metododología de elaboración y seguimiento de Planes Integrales de Salud
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