Maximising health and wellbeing opportunities for spatial planning in the COVID-19 pandemic recovery (Wales)

Public Health Wales launched a report in January 2022, involving input from a Strategic Advisory Group to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of well-planned places and neighbourhoods in supporting health and wellbeing. This explores the implementation of associated policies and measures to contain the transmission of the virus, for example, remaining at home, social distancing and home working, at a national and local level in Wales.

This report aims to highlight the major positive and negative health impacts of spatial planning policies during the COVID-19 pandemic on the population of Wales, to learn from these, to take positive interventions and co-benefits in order to shape a healthier future environment for all. It is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders including planning, environment, sustainability and public health officers and practitioners, community leads and policy makers.

Read the full report here.

Organisations & Initiatives Working on Health Inequalities, Policy & Policy Analysis
Built environment (housing, transport, urban planning), Communicable diseases
United Kingdom

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