Joint Action CHRODIS (2014-2017) and CHRODIS PLUS (2017-2020)

CHRODIS PLUS contributed to the reduction of the burden of chronic diseases by promoting the implementation of policies and practices that have been demonstrated to be successful. The development and sharing of these tested policies and projects across EU countries is the core idea behind this action. Joint Action CHRODIS was the predecessor of CHRODIS PLUS. It was a pan-European collaborative undertaking to identify, validate, exchange and disseminate good practices for chronic diseases across EU Member States and to facilitate their uptake across local, regional and national borders. The focus was on health promotion and primary prevention, as well as the management of diabetes and chronic conditions with multiple morbidities.

Find more information on the Joint Actions here. 

EuroHealthNet, Organisations & Initiatives Working on Health Inequalities
Ageing, Maternal health, pre- peri-natal, childhood conditions, adolescent health, education, Non-communicable diseases, alcohol, nutrition, obesity, cancer, smoking, physical activity
2014, 2017

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