Income experiences and differences in well-being in primary school families: Results from the data of the parents of the School Health Survey 2017 (Finland)
This study by the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (Finnish: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos; THL) examined over 30 indicators of livelihood to explore the relationship between livelihood experiences and wellbeing. The study, which involved nearly 33,000 parents in Finland, found that experiencing subsistence problems increases loneliness in parents and reduces wellbeing in parents and children alike. Moreover, livelihood insecurity puts extra strain on parents who are also more likely to face other problems, such as health or relationship issues. Besides improving wellbeing, the study found that facilitating livelihoods could both reduce the overall burden on parents and reduce pressure on services.
Original title: Toimeentulokokemukset ja hyvinvoinnin erot alakoululaisten perheissä: Tuloksia Kouluterveyskyselyn 2017 vanhempien aineistosta
Authors: M. Salmi, L. Kestilä
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