Improving Children’s Life Chances: The Child Poverty Strategy
The Child Poverty Act 2010 provides a statutory basis for joined up action across the United Kingdom to reduce poverty amongst children and, by 2020, to eradicate it. This strategy sets out the actions proposed by the Northern Ireland Executive to address the issue of child poverty. It highlights key areas which will have a positive impact and sets out proposed actions to deliver results. The four key strategic priorities of the Child Poverty strategy are to:
• Ensure, as far as possible, that poverty and disadvantage in childhood does not translate into poorer outcomes for children as they move into adult life
• Support more parents to be in work that pays, or pays better
• Ensure the child’s environment supports them to thrive
• Target financial support to be responsive to family situations
These priorities will be achieved by focusing on key policy areas including: education, childcare, health, family support, housing, neighbourhoods, financial support and parental employment and skills.
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