Health Observatory – Province Hainaut, Belgium
The Hainaut Health Observatory (OSH) is the health promotion institute of the Province of Hainaut. Its activities fall within the field of public health. By promoting health, the institution’s mission is to help reduce social and territorial inequalities in health in Hainaut and to promote better daily living for all.
This approach is effective when it combines the essential public information actions with long-term work on living conditions and environments. This shows that health promotion is everyone’s business: actions and programs are carried out in close proximity with citizens, associations, local authorities, health and education professionals. , social workers, media, etc. They are natural partners for OSH.
The Province of Hainaut, through the Hainaut Health Observatory, provides them with socio-health data, scientific data, methodological support, training as well as intervention and communication tools.
Since 2016, the Hainaut Health Observatory has been part of the “Hainaut Territorial Development” transversal pole, responsible for the eco-development of Hainaut.
Original title: Observatoire de la Santé
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