Health inequalities: reducing ethnic inequalities – Guidance
This is a guidance to support local and national action on ethnic inequalities in health. Ethnicity is a multidimensional concept with numerous links to health. While the major determinants of ill-health are largely the same across all ethnic groups, ethnicity is a salient social identifier in modern Britain, shaping people’s networks of association and their social and economic opportunities. Further, minority ethnic identities continue, in many circumstances, to be stigmatised and subject to exclusion. Tis resource aims to inform local and national action by Public Health England and other bodies. Effective action on ethnic health inequalities will help meet the legal duty on the Secretary of State for Health, NHS England, Clinical Commissioning Groups to have regard to the need to reduce health inequalities.
This report provides:
- a summary of information and data by ethnic group in England
- examples of practical approaches to address ethnic inequalities in health
- case studies of local action to address ethnic health inequalities
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