Health Inequalities Framework, Ireland

The Health Inequalities Framework presents comprehensive and measurable actions designed to provide clear direction for services, health care management, clinicians and professionals. These evidenced based high-level actions will ensure that the HSE succeeds in its vision to reduce and eventually eliminate health inequalities. The Health Inequalities Framework:
– Describes the role of the HSE in addressing health inequalities
– Describes the key areas of action that will be taken in order to reduce the gap in health outcomes between subgroups in the population
– Outlines the evidence, strategies and actions that will be employed to tackle health inequalities

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Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Policy & Policy Analysis
Financial security, social protection, social inclusion, access to care, poverty, Governance, Health in All Policies, Economy of Wellbeing, Health Impact Assessment, sustainable development, Health systems and services, primary health care, integrated systems, prevention services, health workforce

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