Euskadi Health Plan 2013-2020, Spain

The Health Plan is the fundamental tool for improving the health of Basque citizens , continuing to increase their quality of life, reducing inequalities and promoting organizational improvements. Improving health is an objective shared by the different institutions, so that, through their political action, whatever the field, they can influence health and, ultimately, contribute to increasing the well-being of citizens. It is the concept of ” Health in All Policies “.

The governance of the Health Plan is based on the Steering Committee, chaired by the Lehendakari, and on the Technical Committee for Health in All Policies, with representation from 14 areas of the Basque Government with the rank of Vice-Ministry.

Once a year since 2014, the Steering Committee meets to validate the annual report on the results of the Health Plan and the sector reports prepared by the areas represented on the Steering Committee. The Technical Committee for health in all policies is in charge of preparing the reports and holds several meetings throughout the year.

Find the plan and the annual results reports here.

Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Policy & Policy Analysis
Governance, Health in All Policies, Economy of Wellbeing, Health Impact Assessment, sustainable development, Health systems and services, primary health care, integrated systems, prevention services, health workforce

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