EU-VET CARE – Strengthening capacities for better healthcare to refugee & migrant children
This project aims to design and implement innovative vocational training on the appropriate delivery of health-care for migrant/refugee children. It is a three-year project (1/9/2018 – 31/8/2021) funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union.
Since 2015 due to the Middle East crisis and poverty in many parts of the world, Europe has experienced increasing migrant and refugee flows. The arrival to Europe of large numbers of displaced people has challenged public health services. Migrant/refugee children are vulnerable at all stages of the journey and have specific health and social needs. They are in a position of vulnerability due to physically exhaustion and psychological trauma.
At the same time, evidence regarding provision and access to health care for this group is scarce due to inadequate understanding of the actual needs of migrant/refugee children so as to achieve more tailor-made interventions. Health professionals and cultural mediators need to know and address the cultural, medical and administrative factors impeding access of migrant/refugee children to healthcare and through training, be able to enhance health promotion and access for them.
Having identified the gap in specialized training in this area, the EU-VET CARE project aims to design and implement innovative vocational training on the appropriate delivery of health-care for this population.
Find the project and more information here.
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