This report was published by the WHO regional office for Europe following the European Commission reflecting on what worked and, more often, what did not work in the COVID-19 response and in previous crises. The WHO outline a series of recommendations with the aim of achieving seven key objectives to prevent a catastrophe on the same scale from happening again. These recommendations reflect on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
Drawing Light from the Pandemic Report – A New Strategy for Health and Sustainable Development
- Objective 1: Operationalise the concept of One Health at all levels
- Objective 2: Take action at all levels of societies to heal the divisions exacerbated by the pandemic
- Objective 3: Support innovation for better One Health
- Objective 4: Invest in strong, resilient and inclusive national health systems
- Objective 5: Create an enabling environment to promote investment in health
- Objective 6: Improve health governance at the global level
- Objective 7: Improve health governance in the pan-European region
Read the full report (in English) here.
Read the full report (in Francais) here.
Read the full report (in Deutsch) here.
Read the full report (in Pусский) here.
Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Policy & Policy Analysis, Practices & Practices Databases
Communicable diseases, Environment, climate change, Governance, Health in All Policies, Economy of Wellbeing, Health Impact Assessment, sustainable development, Health systems and services, primary health care, integrated systems, prevention services, health workforce
European, National
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