Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising

In the three decades prior to the recent economic downturn, wage gaps widened and household income inequality increased in a large majority of OECD countries. This occurred even when countries were going through a period of sustained economic and employment growth. This report analyses the major underlying forces behind these developments:

  • An Overview of Growing Income Inequalities in OECD Countries
  • Special Focus: Inequality in Emerging Economies


– Part I. How Globalisation, Technological Change and Policies Affect
Wage and Earnings Inequalities

– Part II. How Inequalities in Labour Earnings Lead to Inequalities in
Household Disposable Income

– Part III. How the Roles of Tax and Transfer Systems Have Changed

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Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Research
Employment, occupational health, adult education, youth employment

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