Addressing health inequalities in the European Union: Concepts, action, state of play

From the European Parliament think tank (EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service)

Tackling socially determined inequalities in health, both between and within European Union (EU) Member States, is still a major challenge. This analysis describes the main concepts and gives examples for health inequalities across the EU. It then presents an overview of the work accomplished at international and EU levels. It shows, in particular, how the EU institutions, bodies and agencies have contributed to reducing health inequalities, notwithstanding that Member States have the main responsibility for health policy. The analysis then goes on to depict stakeholder views, before closing with an outlook on avenues for further action.

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Governmental / Institutional / Public Health Statutory Body Document, Policy & Policy Analysis
Ageing, Built environment (housing, transport, urban planning), Communicable diseases, Digital, ehealth and mhealth, digitalisation, health literacy, Employment, occupational health, adult education, youth employment, Environment, climate change, Financial security, social protection, social inclusion, access to care, poverty, Governance, Health in All Policies, Economy of Wellbeing, Health Impact Assessment, sustainable development, Groups that experience vulnerability: women, ethnic minorities, LGBTI+, migrants, disability, Health systems and services, primary health care, integrated systems, prevention services, health workforce, Maternal health, pre- peri-natal, childhood conditions, adolescent health, education, Mental health, addiction, Non-communicable diseases, alcohol, nutrition, obesity, cancer, smoking, physical activity

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