A fair chance for good health – Improving local and regional health equity programmes (The Netherlands)

This report by the Council for Public Health and the Society covers issues and advice for regional and local programs that address health inequalities. The report follows an earlier publication from the Council, called Passed health inequalities (in Dutch), that assessed national policies aimed at addressing health inequalities and made recommendations to move from a focus on the individual to a wider approach that addresses the interlinked inequalities.

Find A fair chance for good health (in Dutch) here.

Original title: Een eerlijke kans op gezond leven

NGO/Civil Society Document, Policy & Policy Analysis, Practices & Practices Databases
Financial security, social protection, social inclusion, access to care, poverty, Governance, Health in All Policies, Economy of Wellbeing, Health Impact Assessment, sustainable development, Groups that experience vulnerability: women, ethnic minorities, LGBTI+, migrants, disability
Local, National, Regional

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