Financing e-Guide
Boosting investment in health promoting services will require authorities and investors to better understand each other’s investment needs and logic.
The best outcomes are achieved when health planners, implementers and investors collaborate on health and social investment.
The online tool contains examples of novel ways of financing health promoting services. It also describes best practices that tackle the underlying causes of ill-health and disease. The e-Guide encourages health and social planners and policy makers at all levels to find innovative ways to invest in health and wellbeing. The case studies can provide inspiration. They show the latest developments on potential new sources and novel approaches to finance health and social measures.
The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to a further increase in chronic diseases and exacerbate health inequalities. This makes the online tool especially relevant now. Dedicated investments in prevention and health promotion at national, regional and local levels will be needed in order to strengthen the resilience of communities and to increase the sustainability of our health systems. The spectrum of approaches to mobilise resources to finance the delivery of health promoting services include, but are not limited to:
- Outcome-based contract models,
- Social impact financing,
- Finance labels for equitable health promotion investments,
- Co-financing,
- Bundling projects.
Alongside evidence and case studies from Europe, Canada and the United States, the e-guide includes practical tools such as quality criteria for impact investments, business planning advice, as well as guidance on ethical aspects.