
"The scale of investments needed requires us to act smartly and differently, to create new partnerships and to liaise better with the finance sector. We developed this e-guide as an initiative by the Coalition of Partners to strengthen Public Health Services of the WHO European Region. We also worked closely with the Steering Board for Social Infrastructure in Brussels. We aim to mobilise health policy makers and managers to explore new investment structures for health equity. This e-guide is a start and we welcome additional ideas and resources.”



Caroline Costongs
Director of EuroHealthNet


"This e-guide offers a series of case studies with which policymakers can work towards conditions that encourage an economy of wellbeing. The aim of the e-guide , to stimulate system change and overcome existing gaps in investment, are central to uniting wellbeing policy and economic policy. They will help our effort to establish an economy of wellbeing that improves the lives of all citizens.”



Taru Koivisto, Director
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Department for Wellbeing and Services, Finland

Taru Koivisto

"It is crucial to invest in the types of social infrastructure and health promoting services which best respond to the needs and expectations of people, especially for those who are most disadvantaged. Long-term solutions and alternative financial instruments must be considered and developed to fill existing gaps in investment. This is a key message that I take from this e-guide - health is an investment not a cost. It is a message that we must spread. The e-guide is part of a vision for how we can build more equitable, healthier societies”


Vertti Kiukas
Secretary General of SOSTE, the Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health, Finland
Vice President of EuroHealthNet


"This e-guide is very timely, as the increased investment funds of InvestEU in partnership with many other public and private investors could tip the scale and momentum in the direction of long-term investments and innovation for the benefit of wellbeing and the health of the people. Moreover, the e-guide's case studies and practical examples provide a real contribution to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and for all to work across sectors for the benefit of the citizens.”



Dr Lieve Fransen
Co-author of Boosting Investment in Social Infrastructure in Europe
Former Director for Social Policies and Europe 2020, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission